We address Major Structural Defects. We install to meet minimum compliance and we charge per unit installed. We have found this way of charging gives our clients the most transparency when detailing the method of remediation and minimum quantities required to meet compliance. Our engineers calculate the appropriate quantities and install is always consistent with this, for that building. This enables the Building Report to state that the raised defective items have retrospectively been remediated.

For more information or to request a quote, please contact us here.

  • We charge per unit installed. Each wall construction has a different detail and therefore, different charge per unit. If you measure a perimeter lineal meterage of the roof and divide by 1.2, you will get an idea of units required for minimum compliance. That is, a mechanism must be present every 1200mm around the perimeter of the roof, where there are walls. Mechanisms start at $140 per unit.

  • If you have a tin roof, you need it tied to the foundations of the building.

    Tie-down mechanisms operate like anchors for the roof frame. Every time Australia experiences a cyclone that has damaging consequences, the NCC-BCA upgrade the current Building Codes. Tie-downs have been a requirement of these Building Standards since 1979, after Cyclone Tracey wiped out Darwin in 1974.

  • Seroja of 2021 has inspired many changes to building practices in WA. Wind regions have been redefined and nominal tie-down details have been upgraded. Insurance companies have worked with our government to perpetuate the need for building regulation and upgrade.

    Insurance now demands that buildings must have appropriate anchor mechanisms installed to give the building the best chance of performing under severe wind event pressures and suction. Our company has engineered performance solutions designed specifically to satisfy N4 wind region current requirements.

    We offer engineer certification documentation upon remediation needed for government grants (Resilient Grants for tie-down upgrades) and insurance. Refer to the Technical Specifications documentation for grant requirements.

  • Roof Tie-Downs WA will always try to meet time demands of settlement. It is always best to remediate prior to settlement as it ‘closes out’ the raised defect. This is needed for insurance purposes for the buyer.

    Also, we only charge per unit installed so the true cost is only known post work. There is no point in paying for a negotiated full remediation when it could be substantially less than estimated cost.

  • Yes, if settlement date is within 30 days from acceptance of quote, we require settlement agent contacts prior to work commencement.

  • The transfer of wind loads to perimeter walls and ceiling frame. Tied down mechanisms installed to secure appropriate members that wind loads are transferred to perimeter walls.

  • We offer an engineer certified compliance report.

    This documentation is a validative document of workmanship and its used to consider raised structural defects as ‘closed out’.

    This can be necessary for home insurance products, and is used for remediation proof.

  • We supply and install to your requirements. Many owner builders prefer to opt for higher rated specified materials for peace of mind. We manufacture to specified needs and install accordingly.

    • Send building report

    • Get a quote or book in site visit

    • Remediation work carried out

    • Builders’ Report submitted to client

    • Engineer Certification upon request